
Fba Logo

The strength and success of the family business sector is vital to the future of Australia’s economy, community and culture. Family businesses account for around 70% of all Australian businesses. They are the single largest employer in the Australian economy. While family-owned businesses come in all shapes and sizes, they all face similar challenges.

  • Do you want to retire, but you’re not sure your successor is ready?
  • Maybe fractured family relationships are affecting the business?
  • Is it time for you to take over however your parents won’t let go?
  • Do you need support with your new role as the ‘boss’?

Family Business Advisor

As an Accredited Family Business Advisor, Graeme approaches these engagements knowing every situation will be different.

Family businesses have unique needs and central to these are healthy business relationships. Graeme brings objectivity and independence to strategic and sensitive issues. These include exit and succession planning strategies, alongside dispute resolution, conflict management, mediation and performance appraisal.

Graeme has a working knowledge and considerable experience in dealing with both the Succession Act and the Family Provision Act. To make sure the wishes of the deceased are implemented, careful planning is required.

He also knows the importance of managing the family wealth. This is through careful estate planning and the implementation of appropriate asset protection strategies.

Graeme attends regular professional development seminars and courses. As a result, he has made a point of consistency refining his expertise in all critical areas.